At 12:02 30/04/2016 +1200, Zed Noname wrote:
Mike Scott wrote:Sample: try putting this into an A4 page, 2cm margins, TNR 12pt, fully justified). You should get 4 lines, of which the third has 3 long words with large spacing.F ads dfg sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf F ads dfg sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdf F ads dfg sdfg sdffg sdfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg XXX gsd fgsdf ddddddddddddddddddddddd sssssssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgs dfg sdfg sdf gsd fgsdfVery strange here. Copy and pasted sample and set margin, text type and text size as suggested and then did copy + paste. Text appeared as above.
The poster's original was one continuous paragraph which, as he said, would spread across four lines when flowed into the specified document. Somewhere in the mail transmission system or in your mail client, that single paragraph has been split into six paragraphs, which will not show the effect, of course. If you reassemble the single paragraph, you will see what he means.
Oh, and if you insert a line break (not a paragraph break) after "XXX", you will see exactly the improvement he would like to see happen by default.
Brian Barker
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