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On 2/29/2016 11:18 AM, Paul D. Mirowsky <> wrote:
The unique possibility to SyncPOP instead of IMAP is an interesting 

No, it isn't... assuming that by 'SyncPOP' you mean the broken POP
feature where you can 'leave messages on the server'.

If that isn't what you mean, then you'll have to elaborate.

I would feel far more secure if Thunderbird directly re-aligned itself 
on different machines I use then have it floating out on the web.

No clue what 'realign' means here. Do you mean 'sync'? If so, then that
is precisely what IMAP provides.

If you don't want to rely on some third party to host your mail, then
run your own IMAP server.

If LibreOffice where to take control of Thunderbird, would it be able to 
become part of an overall system to legitimize document sharing in both 
e-mail client and documents?

This sounds like a broken way to refer to a groupware server.

I would love for SOGo to adding some real Groupware capabilities, like
file sharing, collaboration, etc.

But again, Thunderbird is a CLIENT. You are talking about SERVER
features, and NO, Thunderbird will NEVER become a full blown mail
SERVER. Why reinvent the wheel? We already have dovecot (and a few
others, Cyrus is good, Courier is old and on the way out, no clue about

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