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Hi Spencer,

My comment paragraphs begin with "[" and each, possibly extended, comment ends with "-- jl]".


-----Original Message-----
From: Spencer Graves <>
Sent: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 8:37
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc- don't show the decimal point

You need Format > Cells > Numbers: Format code = 0000

With this, 0.1 appears as "0000" and 0.6 as "0001".

[He wants 0.1 to appear as "1000" and 0.6 as "6000".

[The first response he received is the most simple. Calc has no method to directly format numbers 
the way he wants them.

[He stated that he wants the trigonometric function values unchanged (as I understood him: directly 
usable in calculations without a finagle factor) but DISPLAYED without the decimal point character. 
Hiding the true value column and displaying with format "0000" a column with values ten thousand 
times the true value is by far his best solution as I see it. -- jl]

For more on this, see 

[This does not address his issue which is to suppress the decimal point before the fractional part 
of the number. -- jl]

       Spencer Graves

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