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On 01/19/2016 09:41 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 08:09 19/01/2016 -0600, Spencer Graves wrote:
On 1/19/2016 7:55 AM, Alek Solzhenitsyn wrote:
A calc sheet I've made has thousands of 4 place decimal numbers that
never go over .9999  (it's a cosine trig. figure). The decimal place
takes up space on the sheet(s) and isn't needed as the sheet will be
printed out as a PDF. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of
the decimal point and so that the resulting number doesn't change?

Multiply by 10000 then display as integer?

You can do this in an extra display column beside the column with the
number you want to display, then Format > Column > Hide the column
with the number you want to display. This is not as emotionally
satisfying as doing it with a special format code, but I don't know
the latter, and this will work.

Even simpler, why not construct your spreadsheet so that it handles
the numbers you really want instead of those that you don't? Change
your formulae - surely a simple task? - to calculate with up-to-
four-digit integers instead of the fractional ones you have. You will
find the number 10000 helpful. You can easily *think* 0.1234 when you
read "1234" in a cell.

You will want to format the cells as "0000" so that what you think of
as 0.0123 will appear as "0123" and not "123".

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Brian, I'm not smart.

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