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Hi :)
I think the  first cunning answer, to multiply by 1000, then needs
Spencer's formatting in order to deal with the problem Brian
identified in his last paragraph, ie that of 123 needing to be shown
as 0123 to prevent it being mis-read or confusing.

I think that Brian was suggesting combining the "multiply by 1000"
into whatever formula creates the 4-decimal-place values in the first
place.  Doing so might help by avoiding the need for a 2nd calculation
that might then need to be hidden.

The formatting Spencer drew attention to was originally suggested by
Brian but kinda got ignored in this thread because the earlier part of
his answer had been somewhat flummoxing.

Anyway, i hope you have a "good enough" result by using some of the
answers in this thread!
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 19 January 2016 at 20:15, Alek <> wrote:

On 01/19/2016 11:36 AM, Spencer Graves wrote:

On 1/19/2016 10:20 AM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 10:14 19/01/2016 -0500, Alek Solzhenitsyn wrote:
Brian, I'm not smart.
I'm not sure if you are being serious, but it's not a question of
being smart or not - so I don't accept that you are not. It's very
easy to miss ideas that may happen to occur to others.

Brian Barker

You need Format > Cells > Numbers: Format code = 0000

With this, 0.1 appears as "0000" and 0.6 as "0001".
That isn't what I want- the wrong answer.

For more on this, see
"";, which I
found searching for "libreoffice calc display fractions without
decimal point".

I agree with Brian:  The foremost experts in any field may not be able
to solve problems that "lesser" minds handle easily.  That's why a
second opinion in medicine (or anything else) can be useful.

      Spencer Graves

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