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V Stuart Foote wrote

The heavy handed way to clear this would be to rename your user profile
and start clean, recreate your template and migrate content to new

However, if it is just one bullet that has gone awry, you should be able
to reset it in each document--but also edit and save the custom template

Locate the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar--it has the Bullets
On/Off (Shift+F12)--tool-tip.
Click the triangle to open the panel, and then click on "More Bullets..."

On the "Bullets" tab one of the Solid circular previews (small or large)
is probably selected--make a note of which.
Select the "Options" tab.  Level shuld be 1-10, or possibly each level has
a different style. Number & Character styles should be bullet/bullets.

The dialog you are interested in is "Character:" and its "Select" button.
It will launch the "Special Character dialog"

Open it and see which glyph has been assigned to your #10 ball.  The
errant codepoint is probably U+277F or U+2793 from the Dingbats block,
either way in the 

The solid small circular bullet should be set to Unicode BMP U+2022
"bullet" from the General Punctuation block.
The solid large circular bullet should be set to Unicode BMP U+25CF "black
circle" from the  Geometric Shapes block.

Set that back to the default and that should clear the issue with each
document. Do the same with your template .ott, and any new documents you
create with it should have the correct default.

Good luck and post back results.


When I open the bullet list tab, and click more, the 10 ball symbol is the
first glyph and highlighted. The second glyph is the large black ball.  10
ball replaced the small black ball (default?). 
When I open the Special Characters window, I see a black dot and it's
Unicode BMP is U+2022 It is not the 10 ball.   I don't know where it's
coming from , the Font: is Segoe UI and Subset: is General
Punctuation............. the Insert button is greyed out. 

Under Geometric Shapes.... Segoe UI and the glyph is set to  U+25CF.    
There are numbers in black circles, but there is no 10.  The numbers only go
up to 9 in the black ball and there is no 0 either.   

I have found out I don't have Open Symbol font in my system font files. (If
that matters at this point.)   I have been trying to change the LO bulleted
list font to Segoe UI Symbol, but it changes back to Segoe UI, when I open
and close LO. 

I'll go see if I can find the Open Symbol font from Microsoft..........
thank you for your help,

I'll let you know,

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