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On 10/20/2015 02:42 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
When I look at Outline Numbering it sets the paragraph style for each outline level but there are no position and spacing or number and character style set. These are all set in the paragraph and numbering styles.
I've found just the opposite in my outlining. I use Tools > Outline 
Numbering > Position to establish the numbering, character style, 
position, and spacing of the numbering. I've never understood what the 
preset Numbering styles are for as they never seem to apply any 
numbering for me.
How does Tools > Outline Numbering do more than assign a paragraph style to an outline level, do the settings in Tools > Outline Numbering over ride the styles or vis versa.
I've used the paragraph styles to establish such items as line spacing 
and paragraph spacing. Beyond that, I format everything else in Tools > 
Outline Numbering.
But, now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm doing it all wrong, especially 
after my ill advised attempt to create a ten level outline hierarchy 
that included both heading and normal text outlines. (They don't work.)
After perusing the bugzilla about numbering complaints, I'm coming to 
the conclusion that there are several respects in which LO's (and AOO's) 
numbering system could be better.
So, I'll join you in ignorance.

Any help to clear the fog much appreciated.

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