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Le 19/02/2015 15:00, Ian Whitfield a écrit :

Hi Ian,

But when I go back into my Database with the Base Front End the RecordID
is still marked as 'No Auto-Increment' and still will not change!!

What am I doing wrong and how do I urgently fix this??

Did you read Fernand's comment ?

You need to look very carefully through your form's properties and
controls to check where and if the form controls might have referenced
the old field as this is stored in the ODB xml.

I would add the following questions :

- your old RecordID was just an INT that you filled in yourself - so now
that you have converted it to INT AUTO_INCREMENT, did you regenerate the
values, or have you just carried on from the previous lastinsert_id() of
the RecordID field ?

If the new values of your newly redefined field do not match the values
you had originally, there will naturally be problems with form data

Ways around this :
- reindex your table using the appropriate mysql command ;
- run mysqlcheck from the command line

I don't use phpMyAdmin a great deal, so I don't know whether you have
access to these commands from that UI - if not, you will have to get
your hands dirty and use the console/terminal, which is what most db
admins do anyway.

If your data _is_ coherent, then the problem lies with your form and/or LO.


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