Hi :)
I don't know of an Extension that might do this but then i have never
looked for one tbh.
It might be smart to test that removing them doesn't affect the whole
document before starting. Create a copy of the whole document, or even
just a copy of the "contents.xml" and then try on a small sample.
I guess you have already tried that though!
Regards from
Tom :)
On 25 September 2015 at 20:42, Florian Reisinger <florei@libreoffice.org>
One possible reason is hard formatting. By adding and removing a style
hardcoded empty span tags can appear. However this should not happen when
using styles (even for bold and so on).
I read this some time ago. Hope that helps :)
Am 25. September 2015 21:36:08 MESZ, schrieb Mike Cowlishaw <
I am the editor of a document [the IEEE 754-2008 standard] that was
around 15 years ago (using OpenOffice), and has had nearly 200 drafts,
number of editors, and countless edits. It was last changed in 2008,
but is
now about to go though a new revision cycle.
I was delighted to find that LibreOffice handled the 2008 .odt file
perfectly, with only 7 errors (all were weird spurious empty reference
of unknown provenance, that OpenOffice quietly ignored).
While identifying and removing those from the content.xml, I noticed
there are hundreds (possibly thousands) of redundant tags. These are
typically in the context: <span whatever>text1</span><span
whatever>text2</span> where 'whatever' is identical, and either or both
'text1' or 'text2' may be empty.
It there a tool to clean these up? I could write one myself (I recently
wrote an XML parser) but if one already exists ...
Many thanks -- Mike Cowlishaw
[Apologies if this is a duplicate .. I tried it on askLibo some time
ago but
it is still "awaiting moderation".]
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] page subtotals (continued)
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