At 12:20 25/09/2015 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:
I have a spreadsheet that I need to print and send to the
government. When I print it, I need to print a page subtotal and
also repeat that subtotal at the top of the next page. Is there some
way to do this apart from doing it all by hand?
I don't think this problem is very well defined!
As has already been hinted at by another responder, the first
question is: is the number of items on each page fixed (whether or
not the same)? If you want to be able to add entries or expand them -
such as would spill items over to following pages - then I think the
problem is quite difficult, but it may be easier if, for example, you
need only to add material at the end of your data.
And do you really mean a page subtotal, i.e. the total for that page
alone? If so, I can't see any point in repeating this on the next
page. How, for example, would it be of any help to have the total for
page two copied at the top of page three, without any account being
taken of the values on page one? Why would page seventeen need to
have information just about page sixteen and not the previous fifteen
pages? Do you instead perhaps require a running total to appear (as
"carried forward") at the bottom of each page and the same value to
appear (as "brought forward") at the top of the next?
Brian Barker
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Clean up/optimize/canonicalize a .odt file (continued)
- Re: [libreoffice-users] page subtotals · Brian Barker
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