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Awesome, thanks Niklas!

I probably won't be able to try it until Tuesday, but will do so as soon
as I can and let you know how it goes.

Thanks again!

On that note...

I wonder - would it be possible to create a more generic (and I'm sure
more complicated) extension that allows you to create new sub-menu
content entries like this?

Or, maybe, just one that allows you to add one of the main menus (ie, in
this case, 'Table') to the context menu?

Anyway, just thinking how to make it more useful to others...

Thanks again!

On 9/5/2015 7:44 PM, Niklas Johansson <> wrote:

I created an extension that adds a submenu, Cell Protection, to the context
menu of tables. Feel free to give feedback, and I will try to publish the
extension to the LibreOffice Extension Center.

Note that at the moment the extension is in English only.

For the time being, you can download the extension from:


2015-09-01 15:35 GMT+02:00 Tanstaafl <>:

On 8/30/2015 1:19 PM, Tanstaafl <> wrote:
I'll go and create a new enhancement request to allow customizing the
context menus.
Done: bug 93837

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