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On 13/02/15 18:24, sqroot wrote:
thanks mike! adding the ppa means, you did not remove the old LO-version
in the first place?
Correct. I added the ppa, did a refresh, and was offered the new 
versions in synaptic.
(Irrelevant probably, but synaptic then refused to actually do the 
upgrade - but this has happened lately for various packages, not just 
LO. Using apt (or was it apt-get?) directly performed all the upgrades 
    On 12/02/15 21:07, Tom Davies wrote:
     > Hi :) Hmm, i am not sure. Have you made sure you have
     > administrator/SuperUser rights? Sudo perhaps? Regards from Tom :)

    I upgraded to 4.4 on Qiana by adding the ppa
    and upgrading (using apt - synaptic has a few problems on
    this system.) Seems to work OK.

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

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