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Hi :)
Hmm, i am not sure.  Have you made sure you have
administrator/SuperUser rights?  Sudo perhaps?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 12 February 2015 at 17:00, sqroot <> wrote:

I was curious to test LO4.4, so i tried to install it on Linux Mint 17 Qiana. I followed the 
installation instructions, first purged the old LO-version, downloaded the file, checked it, 
etc... installation worked fine. but when I try to start it, wheter from the icons or from the 
command line, i get this error message

Libre Office 4.4 - Fatal Error
The application cannot be started.
User installation could not be completed.

any ideas, why i get this error message and how to fix it?

thank you, Markus

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