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Hi :)
Perhaps.  It might be good to suggest it to the organisers for next
year's poll.  Certainly Skype was included, so why not?  Unlike with
Skype i suspect that the majority vote would still go to LibreOffice
anyway.  Our community is stronger and pulls together better.

People have often identified Urmas as being a troll but often miss his
valid and useful posts as a result.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 February 2015 at 09:09, Paul <> wrote:
While at first glance this seems like an obvious troll, after thinking
a bit I feel that there may be something to what Urmas said, though I
would hardly call the poll "invalid" for the omission. As far as I know,
Microsoft Office runs fine under Wine (please correct me if I'm wrong),
and the Wine project does strive to point out that there is little
difference between a native program and one running under Wine. Surely
running MSO under Wine on Linux is a valid choice? Not one I would
choose, for sure, but a choice that should be on the poll none the less?


On Fri, 6 Feb 2015 11:04:53 +0600
"Urmas" <> wrote:

"Robinson Tryon":

Grabbing over 86% of the vote, LibreOffice was announced to be the
winner of the 'Office Suite of the Year' poll:
Any poll without Microsoft Office option is invalid.

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