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Hi :)
There was a recent post from someone else telling us of 2 hierarchical
or tree-like file-management systems.  When i say recent i mean within
the last week
Regards from
Tom :)

On 5 February 2015 at 17:42, Brian Barker <> wrote:
At 17:52 05/02/2015 +0100, Sven Schüring wrote:
I need some help with hierarchy document templates.

I fear you may need some other product!

I created a document template and saved this to "my templates". Then I
just opened a document based on this first template and saved this document
as template to "my templates" to get the hierarchy.

Surely all you have here is two identical (unrelated) templates?

Next I changed the address in my first template and saved, after edit the
second template I confirmed the update by my first template but nothing
changed in my inherited template. What did I wrong?

I think all you did wrong is to imagine that templates derived from
templates exist in a hierarchy. Unless I'm mistaken (always a possibility!)
I think that templates exist only to create a particular starting point for
a document. So the document created from your first template inherited its
properties but no association with that (first) template. When  you saved it
as a template you had two identical templates with no association - so no
hierarchy. You can change either of them independently but without any
consequential changes.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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