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Hi :)
I agree that it is a really bad idea to run proprietary programs on
Linux but i would widen it and say that it's a bad idea to run them
anywhere.  However, I don't think there is a significant increase in
how bad it would be on Linux.

Of course part of the whole advantage of running Linux is that it
gives easy access to non-proprietary programs and packages.  Using a
proprietary program is a bit crazy!

However another big advantage of Linux is that it gives greater
freedom OF choice whereas MS tends to try to give people freedom FROM
choice.  If people want to run proprietary systems then it's their own
choice but they will probably increasingly find that the
non-proprietary systems are better.  They just need to be exposed to
the choice more easily than they would be on Windows and then they
will gradually migrate.

Part of the reason people are so terrified of using non-MS programs on
Windows is because the whole of Windows is so vulnerable and such a
mess that the slightest thing makes it fall over.  Once on Linux,
people tend to find it's quite safe to play around and experiment with
all sorts of things and fairly easy to recover even if they seriously
break things.

So although it makes me shudder i think it would be kinda funny to see
people attempting to use MS Office despite all the alternatives being
better and free and easier to install.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 February 2015 at 11:46, Italo Vignoli <> wrote:
On 06/02/15 12:25, Paul wrote:
Out of interest Italo, why would you say the Wine option is not
comparable to a native binary?
Because it allows to run proprietary software for a proprietary
operating system, which is something I would definitely avoid in a Linux

Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation
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