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May I ask what is wrong with a traditional news group?  They work very
well, don't clog my e-mail (like this does), and are used by some open
source projects like Mozilla.  Seems like a news group would have been
the best choice for support.

As for Twitter, Facebook, etc., forget it - not interested in
registering for yet another new thing that offers no real benefit over a
news group.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2014, at 06:17 AM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Hello everyone,

As you know we provide several options when it comes to users support. 
There is:
- the mailing lists (this one is in English but others exist for other 
- the forum that is really the Nabble interface to the mailing list
- the website
- IRC channel

Beside these options, we have more informal channels. Aside forums that 
are not affiliated with the project, there is our Google + community 
where users support actually works pretty well; and then we have 
questions and users requests coming from our Facebook page and Twitter 

While it is a bit unclear what we could do with Facebook at this stage, 
we are seriously thinking about opening a new twitter account only 
dedicated to users support. So far one volunteer offered his help, but 
it's better if we can start with 2-3 volunteers and see where it takes 
us. If anyone here is interested in joining this effort, please raise 
your hand here or let me know off list.



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