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You are a big company and you would buy MS Office for 100$ per year each. (500 seat it was? -> 50 
000$ per year.
And with LibO you can get a free product. If this is not enough you can
1) Do it yourself
2) Let it fix
@MS you cannot do that easily (1) and I do not know if MS fixes a bug for a 60 seat company....
With LibreOffice you can choose which company should fix the bug, which keeps prices fair and low!

I am sorry if the following sounds a bit sharp: do not rant. That won't help! If you want to have 
this bug fixes, pay for the fix. (Or test if works on master.... I guess this bug should be fixed 
relatively quick.

Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
Florian Reisinger

Am 01.10.2014 um 22:21 schrieb Tanstaafl <>:

On 10/1/2014 12:54 PM, Florian Reisinger <> wrote:
9 bugs for 30k €. That is a fair price...

Continuing reading the thread now...

PS: If a volunteer does not tackle your pet bug, you should get
someone to fix it (search for "libreoffice L3 support" for other
service provider...
Let's see...

Pay you extortion in the amount of $4,200 (assuming I can get just one
bug fixed for 1/9th the quoted price, which I suspect is unlikely) to
fix a *regression* caused by someone arbitrarily deciding to *replace*
(as opposed to providing the new feature, but allow users to fall back
to the old functionality) a feature that has been working fine for 10?
years with a 'new & improved' version (not knocking the feature itself,
just that it doesn't work properly in that it lacks a very fundamental
and necessary capability), or...

Stick with 4.1.6 (that actually works).

Let me think about it for a while - and please feel free to hold your
breathe while I do...

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