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Hi, remember me?

Got it all fixed. Remember, I was having the problem on a 4 month old HP Probook laptop with Windows 7. The goofy highlighting problem was due to a Windows setting in the control panel, in the ease of access settings, then in my keyboard settings. The random insertion of characters was due to a Microsoft Mouse driver, that either was corrupt, had corrupted, or conflicted with memory allocations. It just didn't behave! Typical Microsoft.
    I do apologize thinking that it was only LibreOffice.  I started 
noticing it in Thunderbird also.  I noticed it in Windows Explorer.
    How did I arrive at all these conclusions?  No tech help!  I prayed 
about it.  And my prayers were answered.  And it all works beautifully.

On 8/5/2014 3:35 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Perhaps try renaming your User Profile? Sudden change in behavior or weird wonkiness might be down to something going wonky in the User Profile;

Renaming the profile means you can still get back to it if it doesn't fix things so it's a good way to "get back to factory defaults".
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 5 August 2014 07:58, Brian Barker < <>> wrote:
    At 22:25 04/08/2014 -0500, Gregory Forster wrote:

        I have an inconsistent and not often issue with Calc. [...]
        Calc does weird things now and then. [...] Sometimes, I
        complete a calculation in a cell, and press the Enter or Down
        Arrow key. My calculation will disappear and a ;6 will appear
        in the cell. Or I may randomly highlight a cell to check a
        formula, then when I press a directional arrow, my calculation
        will disappear and a : will reside in that cell. Sometimes,
        I'll just move an arrow key, or the mouse to move from one
        cell to another and wherever I move will highlight as if I was
        holding down the Shift key. [...]  This all started in early
        July. [...] I changed different versions of LibreOffice (vs
        4). I have LO 4.3.0, 4.2.5, 4.2.2, 4.1.4, 4.1.3, 4.1.2, and
        4.0.3 (which I am currently using).  I still had the same
        issues with whichever version used.

        I discussed the issues and history with another tech and he
        reasoned (the same as I) that LO was having memory conflict
        issues with one or more simultaneous running programs.

    What, you mean that LibreOffice - in many different versions - is
    improperly sharing memory with other programs for you but not for
    anyone else? And why would that behaviour change in early July?
    Perhaps you should sack your "tech".

        My questions are: Has anyone else experienced the same?

    I doubt it - at least, not as a problem with the software.

        Does my reasoning sound feasible?


        Any ideas?

    If you spend a lot of time on one project or using one
    application, it is very easy to blame a more general problem with
    your computer on the particular application.
    o Try draining the spilt coffee from your keyboard.
    o Try shaking the biscuit crumbs from your keyboard.
    o Try poking out the cat hairs from your keyboard.
    o Try running your computer manufacturer's diagnostics (especially
    those for the keyboard).
    o Try attaching an external keyboard and using for a sufficient
    period to test.
    o Does your notebook have a trackpad? Is your thumb or palm
    grazing the trackpad as you move your fingers about? You won't
    believe this is possible, so get someone else to watch as you use
    the system for a period. Try temporarily disabling the trackpad or
    reducing its sensitivity to test.

    I trust this helps.

    Brian Barker

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