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Vincent Rubiolo wrote:
Hello Brian

On 08/25/2014 10:28 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
One possibility here is that structure of your document is more complex
than simply cells of table. Have you perhaps got a table - even if only
of a single cell - inside a cell of another table? If so, you may have
the relevant cell of the outer, containing table protected with the cell
of the inner table not protected. As the outer cell is protected, you
cannot change the properties of the inner table cell, so the Cell >
submenu there will indeed show a greyed-out <No selection possible>.

The solution is to unprotect the outer table cell. If there is no room
to get your cursor into the outer table cell without it being also in
the inner table cell (so you cannot get to the relevant context menu),
put the cursor at the end of the text in the inner cell and press
Alt+Enter. You'll then have space to get to the context menu you require.

I trust this helps.
Thanks for the suggestion. Even though the document structure is very
simple (I don't think there are nested tables), I have tried what you
advised. However, this does not work because 'Alt+Enter' modifies the
cell (inserts a newline),something I cannot do for my read-only cell.
The key combination thus does nothing, whereas it does insert the
newline when I am in the other part of the document (the one which is
That suggests that you do have tables within cells of an outer table, 
since Alt+Enter otherwise does nothing.
Another thing you can do to access the outer table cell is to position 
the cursor at the end of the last cell of the table which is within 
another table's cell, and press the right arrow key. The cursor moves 
out of the inner table, but still within the outer table's cell. It 
looks like a new line has been added, but that's just for display and 
still works even when the cell is protected; the extra line disappears 
again if you move out of that cell without adding anything.
If you're not sure which cells might be the last cell of an inner table, 
it's probably the last one which you can't modify. Otherwise, just try 
pressing right arrow from the end of each cell in turn.
Unless you have more suggestions, at this point, I think I will open a
bug report so that I can attach the document and people can try things out.
Bug reports are for reporting faults in the software. Unless the 
protected areas of the document have resulted from a bug, the report 
will quite likely be closed as invalid since the software is working as 
intended by not allowing changes to protected cells.
You're better off uploading the document to a file sharing service, and 
pasting a link here. Alternatively, I hear the Nabble interface to the 
mailing list allows you to upload attachments and includes a link in the 
message email, although I've never used that so can't say how to do it:


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