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On 08/19/2014 04:51 PM, Paul wrote:
Hi Joel,

Sorry, I thought the first pastebin was the first thing you tried,
followed by the second. Given that the second recommends the first,
have you tried both more than once, and they both repeatedly give the
same errors? Have you tried running apt-get check ?

The problem seems to be coming from a conflict between libreoffice-base
and libreoffice-common, so you could try playing with removing or
reinstalling them in different orders.
It won't allow me to reinstall or purge the package. Beginning to get 
pretty irritated :( Probably going to reinstall distro as I currently 
can't do anything in terms of upgrades  or installs.

Or, as the conflicting file seems to be
"/usr/lib/libreoffice/share/basic/script.xlc" you could try manually
deleting that file, or maybe renaming it first. I don't know what's in
that file, so I don't know how important it is. Also, I assume you
don't have any libreoffice processes running, that might be blocking
access to that file? I know there used to be a quickstarter that ran
as a service on Windows, but I'm not sure if that exists anymore...


On Tue, 19 Aug 2014 16:30:21 -0700
Joel Madero <> wrote:

On 08/19/2014 04:24 PM, Paul wrote:
Hi Joel,

Uh, I'd really need to be sitting at the keyboard to get a real
handle on this, but looking at your second image, have you tried
"apt-get -f install" as it suggests?
This was the first pastebin - results in errors :-/

Or maybe try removing package "libreoffice-report-builder-bin"
first, see what errors that gives?
Package doesn't even exist. But also can't "reinstall" libreoffice
(but I can run libreoffice fine....)
Looking at the first image, it does seem to suggest that something
is broken in the libreoffice package, but assuming that it can't be
anything major as it would have been picked up by now, maybe it only
comes into play in the specific state your machine is in. So maybe
try removing everything libreoffice (as you have tried, but
assuming the above suggestions work), then try re-installing from
Can't - I'd have to reinstall my entire distro :(

Hi All,

I have the 4.3 ppa installed and it's completely broken my package
manager. Pastebin link:

I can't even purge, I get this error:

Real nightmare as I can't install anything as I get errors.
Synaptic is no solution.

Ubuntu 12.04 (actually Bodhi but it's built on 12.04)

Advice appreciated.


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