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The quirk arises if I print and I have also sussed out that if I create a
PDF using "Export directly as PDF" the same thing happens, i.e. a small gap
appears between the letter and the hyphen.  (On Print Preview the hyphens
are where they should be.)  I had a look at what happens when I insert a
hyphen manually.  On the PDF the manually inserted hyphen was where I'd
expect it to be, i.e. bang up against the character, so the gap seems only
to creep in when the hyphens are inserted automatically.

As I said in my previous email, I don't usually use automatic hyphenating
so my digging around is purely out of curiosity.


On 2 August 2014 18:09, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I was wrong about it being fixed in a newer branch.  I saw Graham's
response about it working fine in his and figured 2+2=6.  I didn't realise
that Frank was already using the newer branch.
Apols and regards from
Tom :)

On 2 August 2014 16:09, CVAlkan <> wrote:

Hi Graham:

Yes - I too always download from the website as Ubuntu's repository
contains older, supposedly more stable versions of software. In the case
LibreOffice, I chose to use a more recent build (4.3 branch) as it has
for a couple bugs that directly affect my work). I use the 64 bit
though, so there may be some difference there.

As for the hyphen, my belief (based on using publishing and word
software for more than thirty years) is that the hyphen itself should be
acquired from the particular font in use, and it should look and act as
you had typed it manually, using the same exact spacing.

If the text is "ragged right" i.e. unjustified, you should not see any
difference between a hyphen you typed yourself and an automatic
If the text is right justified, the hyphen's spacing should be "stretched
out" along with all the other characters in the line to make it reach the
right margin, but ignoring/removing the character's own right-hand
for the last character (in this case, the hyphen). And I agree with you
one would expect no additional spacing between the last "real" character
the hyphen.

It's interesting to me that you have extraneous spacing BEFORE the hyphen
while, in my case, the hyphen overlays the final non-hyphen character
now that I look more closely, seems like it has not had its right edge
spacing removed, giving the appearance that it is only overlapping the
half of the final character.)

In my case, the actual printed output is fine, as is the output in any
export I make from LibreOffice Writer, so the problem would seem to be
related only to the display. You seem to be suggesting that your
spacing is on the printed output. Is that the case? If so, does it match
Print Preview display?

TomD made a comment that this behavior has been fixed in a "newer
but I haven't figured out what that means.

So I guess I'm just stuck with WYSIAWYG instead of WHYSIWYG for a while
"A" is for "almost").

Have a great weekend...

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