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Hi :)
Blimey so both you guys are running the same version on the same OS?  The
Linux version is the same for each different distro.  There's even only
about 2-3 different ways it's packaged (rpm and deb and errr).  Mint and
Ubuntu both use deb, obviously, as they are both Debian family (err, that's
where the "obviously" bit comes in).

Ubuntu package maintainers sometimes 'have to' do weird tweaks but i
suspect that both Frank and Graham are using one from the website rather
than one tweaked for the repos.  If anything Frank has a slightly MORE
recent version in that the 4th digit is higher (i never normally notice the
4th one).

I'm not sure how bug-patches get put in more than 1 release at a time.
Isn't it something like that the patch is put in Git as a new sub-branch
and that sub-branch then gets tested against each of the branches??  I've
no idea what i just said there but Git is very clever.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 1 August 2014 14:58, CVAlkan <> wrote:

Hi Tom:

No sweat. But what newer branch are you referring to? I'm running;
According to, a newer
4.3.1 branch isn't available yet, although there is an alpha of 4.4
available - is that what you mean?

And how would I determine that this particular issue (the hyphen) has been
resolved? I couldn't locate a bug for that, but I'd love to read details.

This whole simultaneous upgrading of different versions and sub-versions,
while I'm sure is well thought out, isn't easily comprehensible to someone
who comes from the more traditional "linear" world.

Has anyone written a description of how the whole development and release
process works? (i.e. how do bugs that get fixed in a version 1.x stream
it into that version 2.x if that's being already being developed separately
and all that). I read something about this on some page I stumbled upon
once, but it seemed like it was meant for those who already knew generally
how the process worked. I think that might help folks who are trying to
an appropriate version.

Thanks for the response.


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