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I use the MySQL server and have added table fields before. It is simple in the LO Base table design window.
Tables -> right click on table -> select Edit
MySQL accepts these changes and adds the field. Of course, then you must add the new field to your forms, queries, relationships and reports, as needed.
Deleting fields is another matter.  I have had problems with MySQL field 
deletions before - especially messing with the primary key. Then it may 
be a matter of directly using the MySQL interface program, with some SQL 
code, bypassing LO Base.  But it is possible.  So be careful what you 
do.  Think it out first.
I have no experience with the internal HSQLDB server.  From what I read 
on this forum, using the internal HSQLDB server with a large 3GB 
database is not recommended.  Best to use MySQL, MariaDB, or Postgresql 
for such large databases.  Also, remember that there may be no way to 
easily port your data from the internal HSQLDB database to an external 
database if you so decide to make the change in the future.  You may end 
up re-entering it all.  Best to make the commitment now, before you run 
into a wall.  Note that I consider my databases "large" at 2.7_M_B for 
the current largest.  IMHO, 3GB is out there.
Girvin Herr

On 07/10/2014 12:27 PM, dave boland wrote:
I'm setting up a database that is small (three tables, may grow to 3GB
over next year).  I need a strategy to deal with the unknown, which is
how to add fields to an existing table.  I read in the docs that doing
this can be painful and it is required to put something in each field
for each record.  Do I have this correct?  If so, how do I handle the
inevitable "...would you add..." that is sure to come within the next
few months?  I would add them now, but I really can't anticipate how
many fields will be added or their requirements.

In general, do other databases have similar restrictions?  At some time,
when I have time, I will consider MySQL, MariaDB, and others.


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