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Getting into a muddle here so if anybody could straighten me out it would be appreciated.
I have several columns in sheet with dates in the format 25 Jun 2014 
which have been imported into Calc via a .csv file from another programme.
I have to manipulate the data and then export it as a .csv file for 
import by yet another program which requires the dates in the format 
I have been able to create a column with the dates in required format 
using the formula =TEXT(B2,"DD/MM/YYYY") but this leaves the underlying 
formula in the cell so when I try and remove unwanted columns the 
formula fails.  What I need is the date as written by the formula 
"frozen" as text so I may then manipulate the columns without messing 
up.  Hope this is clear.
Please could somebody advise how I should proceed.

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