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On 2014-06-23 04:05, anahuj wrote:
(Newbie to any word processor.)

I'm writing CV. The top contains address at the left and title/date at
center, or so.
Traditionally this is typed by separating the entities with spaces and tabs;
if I add to
address, I must re-edit the title/date as well.

Is there a way to do this in modern way by having boxes (like in TeX) or
layers (like
in GIMP)?

I tried tables already. I created 1x1 tables, but I could not move them in
I could create 2x1 table but then I don't get the title to center.

If this turns out to be a feature request. I'm putting this to bigger
context: famous
mathematician wrote a text book in two weeks (check!) by technique what I
now a scrapbook technique; he had text pieces in cards which he then
arranged to
form the final book, more or less.

So, I want write text to small boxes which I can later grab and drag to
correct positions.

I have written a scrapbook software of this kind, but I started from the
image processor
If you go Insert>Frame you can enter a frame that can contain the text. I use this for the address on my letters and also for my document revision number that must be fixed in location.

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