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Le 07/06/2014 15:54, quickbooks office a écrit :
How to ensure all new text entered into a document is different font,
without changing the old font settings of the document?

That is the document has questions in it, with lets say Times New Roman.

When I type the answers in, the font remains Times New Roman.

But I want it so that all new text entered to be Segoe Print without
changing the font of the text already existing in the document (i.e.
the questions)

Short answer: Styles.

Long(er) answer: if, as I understood, you've got one paragraph for the
question and you enter the answer in another paragraph (or several),
just do this:

0. Display the Style and formatting toolbar (F11) which is *the* tool to
have at hand when using Writer

1. The question and answer paragraphs are given each a separate
paragraph style

Right-click > New, then set the paragraph style properties (eg the font
name and size)

Say you've now got two paragraph styles: "Questions" and "Answers" with
the appropriate formatting settings.

Setting a paragraph style is easy: the current paragraph (the one with
the caret in it) receives the style settings when you double-click the
style name in the Styles and formatting toolbar.

2. Configure the Question paragraph style
(again: right-click this style name in the Style and formatting toolbar
and select Modify)
In the Organizer thumbnail, set the Next Style property to the Answers
style. This means that any time you hit <Enter> (end-of-paragraph) after
having typed a question (with the Questions style set), Writer creates a
new paragraph with the Answers style already set.

Note: by default a paragraph style "Next Style" property is set to
itself so that you get a sequence of paragraphs with the same paragraph

Now, if you enter the answers within the *same* paragraph as a question,
you'll need a *character* style specifically for the answer portion of
the text: in the Style and Formatting toolbar, select the character
style toolbutton then create a new style for the answer characters.
Then, any time you enter the answer text, just select this text and
double-click the "Answer" character style to set the newly entered text.

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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