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At 11:34 03/06/2014 +1000, Keith Bates wrote:
I want to print a financial report worth data from my accounting program. The program produces a couple of formats for exporting the data - a text file, a html format that Libreoffice won't display correctly and a csv.

Open the CSV file in LibreOffice Calc. Copy the relevant cells. Paste into a text (Writer) document, but using Edit | Paste Special... (or right-click | Paste Special... or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste. In the Paste Special dialogue, select "HTML (HyperText Markup Language)" or "Formatted text [RTF]". You will now have the material in a table, which you can manipulate easily as you wish.

To get the kind of formatting I need, I could just import the text file and make each line expand to fill the width of the page. I can't see any way to do this - full justification doesn't apply to the last line in a paragraph - which is every line.

You can do that (but it's probably not your best solution):
o Go to Format | Paragraph... | Alignment (or right-click | Paragraph... | Alignment).
o Under Options, select Justified.
o For "Last line", select Justified.
Better still, you can set this in paragraph style.

I imported it into a spreadsheet then copied it from there into Write. That worked out, but it is a bit clumsy.

I suspect that's the easiest you'll get ...

At 13:50 03/06/2014 +1000, Keith Bates wrote:
Amongst other things, I need the Account Balances and Profit and Loss statements in the same document.

Combining information from multiple sources can very likely be done most easily in the intermediate stage in the spreadsheet.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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