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On 03/06/14 12:37, Alan B wrote:

Hello Keith I'm trying to understand what you want to accomplish.

You write "I want to print a financial report worth (perhaps you meant with?) data from my accounting program" and then describe how you try and manipulate that data in another program. So it seems you are printing a financial report already but the output of the account program doesn't meet your needs. Is this correct?

Then you describe various output formats the accounting program provides and that none of the formatting meets your need. My questions here are: - how do you want the formatted reports to look? e.g. the data centered on the page
- what appears on the page before and after the data?
- what program are you expecting to use to make the formatted report?

Thank you

Hi Alan,

Amongst other things, I need the Account Balances and Profit and Loss statements in the same document. But I also need to produce a clearly readable document so that amounts line up etc. Other reasons I want to edit the document include to add a logo plus comments.

The financial software produces information that looks like this:

Item1 $32.00
Item 2 $3257091.23

Whereas I want it to look like this:

Item1                   $32.00
Item 2      $3257091.23

A table would be ideal as you can add borders etc, but that's not essential.

I used to export the data as html which used to import directly into LO, but now LO just shows all the html code rather than the formatted document. So then I used to open the html file in a web browser and copy and paste the page into LO. But the latest version of the financial program (moneydance) has changed what it puts into the html so that even passing it through a web browser just results in a list similar to that above.

Hope that clarifies my aim.

God bless you
Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
Narrabri NSW
Ph 02 67924890

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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