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I want to print a financial report worth data from my accounting program.

The program produces a couple of formats for exporting the data- a text file, a html format that Libreoffice won't display correctly and a csv.

Here is a part of a report

Net Worth
As of: 30/05/2014

Account    Amount
Journal    A$ 1,250.00
New Life Ministries    A$ 793.09
Orphanage Account    A$ 796.20

To get the kind of formatting I need, I could just import the text file and make each line expand to fill the width of the page. I can't see any way to do this- full justification doesn't apply to the last line in a paragraph- which is every line.

Alternatively I could import it into a table, but it all gets put into a single cell.

I imported it into a spreadsheet then copied it from there into Write. That worked out, but it is a bit clumsy.

Is there a way to directly import the data in a way that produces easily readable data without an intermediate step?

God bless you
Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
Narrabri NSW
Ph 02 67924890

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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