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On 05/03/2014 04:06 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 05/03/2014 10:08 AM, Ian McCarthy wrote:
I have a document -

It consists of a number of pages, the first two should have only writing on them, then there are some line drawings, then a page with an annotated image (page 6), followed by some more diagrams.

I am having a number of problems.
When I reopen the document after editing some of the draw lines and other objects. Things have leapt to other pages. When I attempt to select multiple objects so I can group them, when I press the shift key and click, I end up on the image page page 6 When I select a line, the line tool bar does not appear. I have to draw a new open line and then by selecting that I can get the line drawing tools icons (to add and delete points etc), and I may then be able to edit the line I wanted to edit. Is it something special about this document, or is this a more general problem.
What do I do to fix it?
I have the latest Libre Office installed -

I had a similar problem recently with a document in which I was trying to insert about 15 pictures. It was okay until I wanted three pictures side by side on the same page. Every time I tried to resize a picture or move it slightly, it suddenly moved to another page. When I tried to move it back, all kinds of things weird things happened. I think it has to do with my anchoring settings, especially since all three pictures were anchored to the same place, but since I just had to get the project done and didn't have time to play with it, I imported it all into LyX and finished it there. Later, I'll go back into LO to learn how to do it right.

I sense that LO's wysiwyg approach makes things a little more complex. I even tried my document with pictures in a markdown editor and found it worked better there than in LO.

Again, I'm sure a lot of has to do with my lack of knowledge of this part of LO.


Suggestion: When inserting pictures, create an empty paragraph. Insert a frame in this paragraph, and insert the picture or pictures in the frame. Anchor both the frames and these pictures "As Character". You should also create a paragraph style for your frames so that you can align them horizontally uniformly. This also permits you to have a border around each frame if you like or no border. The document guides for LibreOffice contain pictures in the hundreds with no apparent problem inserting and anchoring pictures.


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