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On 21.04.2014 22:30, Dale Erwin wrote:


I have never had this problem and have never had the need to create
sections.  Maybe it's because I always use page styles alternating from
right page to left page and back.  For instance, I begin a book with a page
style called "Title", marked as right page only and set the next page style
to "Copyright".  I set the Copyright style to left page only and the next
style as FrontMatterRight.  I set the FrontMatterRight style to right page
only and next style as FrontMatterLeft and set the FrontMatterLeft style to
left page only and next style to FrontMatterRight.  This puts me in a loop,
and to break out of the loop I insert a manual page break and check the
option to change the style.  I also set the FrontMatter styles to use lower
case roman numerals for page numbering and I can change the page numbering
at the same time as I break out of the loop with the insert manual page break.
Isn't what you describe exactly creating sections (even if you call it "page
break with changing style" or whatever)?


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