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On 04/21/2014 08:55 AM, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
Got caught by that misconfigured "reply" again.<g>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin O'Brien <>
Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Why new page style after manual page
break changes all pages?
To: Sean Darcy <>

By design, a Page Style will normally affect the entire document. If
you want to have different parts of the document use different Page
Styles, I would suggest that you create Sections. Each section can
have its own Page Style.


On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Sean Darcy <> wrote:
With libreoffice-writer-, I'm trying to write a simple
business letter:

first page : header  company logo
              footer  contact info
next pages : header addressee and date
              footer none
appendix  :  no header
              no footer

So I've modified the "first page" style for headers and footers. Set Next
style as "default style"

Modified default style for headers, Next style is default style.

next created page style appendix, no headers or footers. Set next style as

I write the 3-4 page letter. Get to signatures, and insert a manual page
break. On the new page I double click appendix page style.

That changes the page style for ALL the pages to "appendix".

What am I doing wrong?


OK, I'll try to learn Sections, but from the description it's not 
designed for this.
OTOH, Page Styles seems to be what I need:


    To apply the custom page style to more than one page, select its name in the Next Style box. To 
stop using the style, insert a manual page break and assign it a different page style.

I just can't seem to make it work. I can't be the only person who uses 
different Page Styles in the same document.
And yes: I've also been hit by misconfigured reply!


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