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Well, that's quite a bit to translate! Between the Nynorsk and,
more importantly, the 15 years since last I spoke regularly, I may have
to lean a little on Google Translate, but I'll see when I might have
some time. One of these days...

Should I mail you the translations?

(Pål, egentlig, men der er ikke mange her some vet hvordan å uttale det)

On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 23:35:04 +0100
Kolbjørn Stuestøl <> wrote:

I have created a website that introduces LibreLogo. The pages are 
written in Norwegian. I think this page may be of interest to a few 
people, but do not have the time and knowledge enough to translate
the pages into English. Does anyone want to, and have time to
eventually do the work?
Well, perhaps nobody is interested in LibreLogo at all. In this case 
translating is wasted time.

I tried Google translate, but the results need very much reworking.
Not always easy to see that the "discriminating toad" and "shellac
turtle" are synonyms for "turtle" :-)

Have a look at the address:

(LibreLogo is a fun and educational programming language (embedded in 
LibreOffice Writer) intended to teach programming.)

Kolbjoern Stuestoel

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