On February 5, 2014 1:53:59 AM PST, Kracked_P_P wrote:
both packages has the same "roots" OOo to LO and OOo to AOO, but we are now different packages
and offer different GUI styles and options, plus our base coding has been changed and may not be
reflected in AOO's base coding.
Given the differences in the code base, can we even be sure that information provided on the AOO
website will apply to LibO?
I do know that there are enough differences between AOO and LibO, that it is easier to simply
install and use both, than trying to work around the missing feature/function in the other one.
Sent from the eating establishment at the far side of time, and the near side of space.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: LibreOffice 'deployment' (continued)
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