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On 01/04/2014 08:12 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 19:10 04/01/2014 -0500, Ryan Ashley wrote:
I have developed a spreadsheet which contains a sheet for the cover and basic information as well as one sheet for every month. There is a cell with a number on every sheet at location H35. I want the average of all of those which are not zero on the first sheet. I initially tried using "AVERAGEIF(January.H35:December.H35, ">0")", but it keeps giving me error 504.
This sounds a bug: AVERAGE() works on a cross-sheet range, so I don't 
see why AVERAGEIF() shouldn't.
I then tried the formula below, ...
Er, I don't see a formula below ...

... which uses COUNTIF, but the part with COUNTIF in it causes a 504 also.
Isn't that also a bug?

At 03:28 05/01/2014 +0200, Paul Steyn wrote:
One way would be to add a second cell to each sheet, say H36, that has a simple "IF(H53>0,1,0)", then on the cover sheet your formula could be something like
Of course you would need to type in all the actual cell references instead of the ellipses.
Since SUM() *does* work on cross-sheet ranges, you could simplify this to

Maybe someone else knows a way to do it using existing functions, ...
Keep watching.

At 21:38 04/01/2014 -0500, Ryan Ashley wrote:
Well I have designed the sheets to be printed at the end of each year, so extra cells would not work.
That is no problem: the intermediate cells could be on other sheets or 
simply outside the print range.  Another way of using intermediate 
values would be simply to have a range of twelve cells on your first 
sheet that simply contain =January.H35 and so on.  If preferred, this 
range could be outside your print range - or even hidden.  AVERAGEIF() 
should then work straightforwardly on this range of copies.
Is there a reason that AVERAGEIF and COUNTIF will not work with data on other sheets?
Not that I can see.

... is there any possible way to do this in LO?
This is a messy workaround, but it appears to work:
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

How about bringing the data from the other sheets to the first sheet, or to a 'work' sheet and calcing the data on that sheet. When you print, just don't print the work sheet.

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