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Thanks for the link....

On 12/19/2013 01:05 AM, Massimo Del Zotto wrote:
2013/12/18 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak < <>>
    You mean recently?As in the latest version of LO has a problem
    with passwords?

No, I am referring to OOo. I am considering to switch to LO because of this problem and I'm trying to figure out if this problem is considered more important by LO developers.

Oh, I had not considered that you were using OOo.

As a side note, I had never considered that any of them did not take passwords seriously.
I don't take any of the volunteer responses as not taking it seriously, 
just super technical (almost to the point of silly when it is mentioned 
that while displayed, it is not encrypted in memory .... or something 
like that).
2013/12/18 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak < 
    Which forum, do you have a link to the post?

This was in the OOo forum, I'm not well aware how the forum admins interact with the OOo developer base, it looks to me they don't. I'd say this is another problem in itself but luckly, I'm not really interested in that one.
You will notice that the "forum admins" are all listed as "Volunteer". 
None of the people in question likely have any official association with 
OpenOffice. To my knowledge, they are simply people that help by 
answering questions and they may have some level of moderator 
capability. In my mind, an Admin has the ability to help with certain 
"user issues" or in literally maintaining the system.
    Massimo, you seem to be more informed of this than I, but, I am
    only aware of one (what I consider) real bug that existed with LO
    and passwords. At one point, I was no longer able to open a
    password protected file. Specifically, one version of LO was not
    able to open a password protected file.  I am pretty sure it was
LO and not AOO anyway.

Thank you very much Andrew, this is very informative. I'm currently inclined to switch to LO.
I only remember one glitch with respect to passwords, and that was just 
related to an inability to open anything with a password. They fixed 
that pretty quickly.
There is some issue related to crashing it seems, but, that is really 
tough to diagnose and fix. it might even be related to something very 
difficult to fix even if you do know the problem (like a saved temporary 
file is stored without encryption). Oh, I see that MaxDZ8 states this.
I think that the real way to obtain a fix for this is to create a test 
case that is reproducible. something like manually killing OOo while it 
is running. You will need to do this with a recent copy of LO or AOO 
rather than with OOo for the bug report to be of any use. It is that 
reproducible thing that is really tough. If you cannot reproduce it, you 
are not likely to be able to fix it unless you are very lucky.
Andrew Pitonyak
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