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At 11:43 19/12/2013 -0800, Paul Whitehurst wrote:
In writer in a table I have numerical data entered in a column. I set the column to be right justified and the numeric format to currency. Occasionally I'll enter a number and it will not format correctly and will shift to the left. I can force it to right justify the cell contents, but I can't force it to apply currency numeric format. What am I doing wrong?
You may want to experiment with the options at Tools | Options... | 
LibreOffice Writer | Table | Input in tables.  I don't claim to be an 
expert in exactly what these do, so I won't attempt to explain.
But there is one thing of which you should be aware.  In some 
circumstances, any input that does not fit the applied format - in 
your case, Currency - will automatically reset the format of that 
cell alone to Text.  Note that something as simple as completing an 
entry into a cell with Enter (instead of an arrow key or a mouse 
click) will render your entry no longer acceptable as Currency and 
have this effect. Interestingly, if you press Enter and then 
Backspace to correct yourself, the problem persists, but Enter 
followed by Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z) works without resetting the cell 
format.  Note also that if you paste in a number from elsewhere, it 
is quite easy to bring along a trailing paragraph break, just as if 
you had pressed Enter, and this will likewise cause your problem
When you say that you "can't force it to apply currency numeric 
format", do you mean that reapplying the format has no effect?  The 
only reason I can imagine for that would be that your entry cannot be 
interpreted as Currency: perhaps it contains a rogue character or has 
misplaced thousands separators, for example.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker
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