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e-letter  wrote:

What is the benefit of using master document function (presumably a gratuitous
copy of m$), when styles function is available in LO? 

For all practical purposes, the advantages and virtues of using Master Document functionality is 
completely irrelevant to the advantages and virtues of using Styles.

be more stable and easier to manage if these files were imported into one new document?
Whether it is more appropriate for the  content to maintained as One Single File, One Master 
Document file, or 100 individual files, depends upon a dozen different factors, starting with the 
type of content, and ending up with the size of the components of that content.

Regardless of which approach is used (single document, master document, individual files), what is 
crucial, is that a named template be used, which is where all style changes are made.

Sent from the eating establishment at the Far side of the Universe, at the begining of Time, and at 
 the end of Space.

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