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** Reply to message from "Don C. Myers" <> on Tue, 17
Dec 2013 10:53:17 -0500


Initially I just want a sheet with all the labels the same. Being able to
fill a sheet with addresses from a database or even directly print envelopes
may be in the future.

For now I can obviously copy/paste to each label, but the wizard's way of
entering data for one then propagating it to all is handy for like a set of
return address labels.


Hi Cliff,

Are you using fields from a data base, or do you simply want something 
like return labels where every label is the same?


On 12/17/2013 10:06 AM, Cliff Scott wrote:
** Reply to message from "Don C. Myers" <> on Mon, 16
Dec 2013 20:48:12 -0500


Thanks for the link to the templates, but, pardon my ignorance, what is the
proper way to setup a table based template?

The wizard is useful, but, as already discussed, the built-in templates often
don't work well. If the built in ones could be replaced with these table
based ones and still have the wizard work it would be the best of both worlds.


Hi Virgil,

They have really worked well for me. With the frame based templates, I
always had trouble with the spacing on the labels changing as you would
get into the bottom third of the label sheet. The frame based templates
print out perfectly from top to bottom, and they are so easy to adjust.
I've left similar posts when people have had issues before, but it seems
very few are willing to try the table based formats. Maybe they try to
use the wizard, which is not the way to set up a table based template.


On 12/16/2013 08:11 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:

Thank you for this. I knew I had seen something like that before.

LO uses a frame based label template. I agree that a table based
template makes far more sense.


-----Original Message----- From: Don C. Myers
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Mail Merge and Labels

About 5 or 6 years ago when using OpenOffice to print Christmas labels,
I ran across an article about using table style labels in OpenOffice
instead of the type which come with Word, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice.
It is far easier to adjust the table style labels. To adjust the top
spacing, simply adjust the top margin for the page. To adjust the column
width, simply drag the column borders and the entire column is adjusted.
At one time OpenOffice had these label templates available as an
extension. I don't know if they still do or not. But they are available
from World Label here:
They can be downloaded individually, or all together as a pdf.

I've found them much easier to use and adjust, and have never used any
other label templates since then. Also, when you enter the text or
fields in them, the text is starts with being paced in the center of the
label between the top and the bottom, and then as additional lines are
added, the text of fields are automatically centered within the label
itself, top to bottom. I've never used the standard templates with
OpenOffice or LibreOffice since finding these. Nor have I wasted any
sheets of labels because they didn't print properly.

---Extra trimmed---
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