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On 2013-09-30 1:45 PM, James Knott <> wrote:
Occasionally on this list, someone asks about open source email &
calendar that can be used with LibreOffice.  Here are instructions for
using Google Calendar with Thunderbird.  You can use the Thunderbird
Add-Ons manager to install both Lightning and "Provider for Google
Calendar", instead of going to a web site and downloading the package.
This also works with the email program in Seamonkey, but Thunderbird
works better with LO.
Just be aware that it isn't perfect.

The main problem is working with invitations from others.

If someone sends you an invite, yes, you can accept it and it gets added to your calendar.
But, if that same someone then sends an UPDATE to the existing event, 
and you UPDATE it, it spams ALL of the attendees with a BRAND NEW invite 
from YOU for the new/updated event.
It is basically non workable in a corporate environment.

This is why we are currently working on getting SOGo set up locally. If you are technically inclined, while more work, it is a MUCH better way to go if you are using the Calendar for anything other than personal use.
For personal use, it works well, although it still has issues 
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