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On 09/02/2013 12:52 PM, Thomas Taylor wrote:
On Sun, 1 Sep 2013 14:27:22 -0700
"Tricia" <> wrote:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I bought my computer at the local store here in Ladysmith, B.C. in Canada.
The tech. support team with Shaw and my computer store have never heard of

I am an author and use your office to write my book.  I’m not a computer user
for more than e-mails and my book. I saved by book in two places as I usually
do but when I turned on the computer to start a new chapter, the letters are
not only off center but are also almost 2 centimeters high.  In my format I
have calibri font 12.

I was advised to e-mail you as they don’t have a phone number for you.  i
didn’t use your “frequently asked questions” because it’s such a strange
thing, I’m sure there won’t be a question about it.

The Shaw tech. support gave me this e-mail.  It’s all they have of your

Please correct this for me.  I have limited time. My phone number is

Yours truly,
Patricia Gruenwald   


Hi Patricia,
Unfortunately, there are several items in both LO and Windows that could be
causing the problem.

A good practice when requesting help from a list such as this one is to provide
as much information as possible and let the viewers/responders sift through
it.  This could include make/model of computer, type of display adapter (if
known), operating system and version, version of LO (or other app), what you
were doing at the time of an error/problem, and any other information that
seems pertinent.  It is often to also include copies of pertinent log files for
review.  Some of this is difficult for a non-technical person to determine but
provide what you are able and we will request more if needed (and tell you how
to get it).  Another worthwhile item to provide are screen shots depicting the

If you would provide as much of the above information we will try to respond
with helpful suggestions.  Actually, with the number of authors who use LO, you
might well find further information in the FAQs.



I assume that you have a Windows computer.  

Which version of LibreOffice do you have installed on your computer? 
3.6.7, 4.0.5, 4.1.1? or something else.


As for your computer company not knowing about LibreOffice, you can
always ask them why they have not kept up with the FOSS [Free and Open
Source Software] that gives their customer an option over buying
expensive alternatives.  Most local, regional, and large computer
company tech support people should be aware of FOSS and LibreOffice. 
Some might have heard of, which was predecessor to
LibreOffice and Apache Office. 


Is the entire display, not just LibreOffice's "window", affected by this
"off center" and "text height" issue?  If the entire displayed image on
the monitor it "off-center" or the "wrong size", then it may be a
computer issue and not a LibreOffice issue.

At the bottom right of the LibreOffice screen/window, there is page
viewing option.  There is a set of small icons showing pages.  You
should use the left most icon or the middle one.  The rightmost one will
display two pages and if you have only one page, then it will be off
center to the right.  Then there is the slider.  This will zoom in and
out for viewing the page.  You can use the slider and adjust it to
100%.  You can use the top tool bar option of View, then Zoom, to adjust
the page view with some other options.

I would adjust the "zoom" and viewable page size to the best one for you
typing and editing needs. 


I "thank you" for remembering to save your book files in several
"places".  Are you saving one set of book files on the internal drive
and another set onto an external USB hard drive, or a "good quality" USB
thumb-drive or flash drive?  I tend to save copies of my important
files, pictures, etc. several places.  I have several hard drives in my
system so I save a set on my "default" drive, then an "internal backup"
set on a different physical drive, and then at least one set on an
external USB hard drive.  Since my photo drive is over 70 GB of size, I
could also save the photos, by year, onto "flash drives", and store them
in a box in my desk drawer.

Too many people do not keep a good set of backups for their data.  There
are even online services like [or something like that]
that is unlimited storage for one computer for under $60 USD a year. 
That might be a good option for a writer as well.


Just to let you know, I know at least one author that used LibreOffice,
since its first release, to write his 2 to 4 books [paperback novels and
smaller] every year. 

This author is Piers Anthony.  He writes mostly SciFi and Fantasy books,
but some non-fiction once in a while.

He chose LibreOffice for its Macro ability.  He does use Linux though,
but he does have one Windows computer, he stated in an author's note.  I
have emailed him from time to time about "things", and his daughter and
I share the same medical "issues". 

So once you get the display issues taken care of, you should be able to
have no problems with using LibreOffice as you book writing and editing


I am also wondering why you are using Calibri font?  Is that the font
your publisher wants to see you manuscript in?  A book editor friend of
mine told me that the best thing to do was to find out what the book
publisher[s] prefer to use as the printed book's font and write you book
with that font as the default one for the manuscript.  It help with
seeing the "readability" of the pages, by the look and also be the way
the text is viewed as its flows from line to line.  Since she has been
doing this for a good 30 years, I tend to trust her views on what is the
best format, including fonts, to use when sending a manuscript to a
publisher or potential publisher.

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