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Am 14.08.2013 18:39, schrieb Dave Barton:
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

On 08/13/2013 02:32 AM, Dave Barton wrote:
1. The independent "unofficial" one Jim was
referring to. For reasons nobody has been able to explain, their server
is at best unreliable and frequently times out.
oooforum was setup and is controlled by a single very busy person with
no help from anyone else in any way. So, it uses resources available to
this person and is maintained by this person. The other forum is
maintained by a group of volunteers so there are more people to fix it.

so this looks to me like people have contributed to a site which took
their knowledge but later did (or does) not present it back to the
public in a satisfactory way.

Two thoughts:

1 - Does the owner sufficently understand the public need for high
availability of the forum's content?

2 - How is the forum's content licenced?


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