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On 08/13/2013 06:38 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
If it is a completely independant forum and one that is owned by the community could we just copy it and host 
on TDF or LO servers?  Alternatively might they be in a better position to ask Apache to host it or donate a 
better server to them?  or could TDF donate a better server to them?  There are neutral 3rd parties such as 
"Friends of OpenDocument", ODFAuthors, OASIS.

I may be missing something, so, if my answer is non-nonsensical; sorry..

If you are suggesting that "oooforum" can be hosted by a neutral 3rd party, I don't expect that to happen. The site owner is unwilling to give up control. I assume you could call it a sentimental attachment. He is also unable to provide sufficient rights to others to help maintain it because it is hosted in an area where outside administrative rights cannot be granted.

I shot an email to the site owner and asked if he was aware that it is currently down and has been for a while. He is on California time, so no idea if he is even awake at this moment.

Andrew Pitonyak
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