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I want to jump in here and ask - have you changed the memory settings to handle the "many images"? If you do not have enough memory for the number of images you are using for the document, then you may have some of the image issues you talked about.

Tools / Options / LibreOffice / Memory

The "Graphics cache" listings should be increased - all of them.
The "Number of objects" should also be increased

Reduce the "Undo - Number of steps" figure to 20 or 30.

Are you having problems with images moving from the place you put them on the document? Then you need to anchor the image to the "page", instead of the default of "paragraph". I find that if I want to make a page that is mostly images, this is the only way to keep them in place.

I use to be a heavy MSO user, but I ended with MSO 2003. After that I went to OOo and then LO when it first came out. I learned about OOo when it was mentioned in an Author's Note in the back of a book I was reading. The author needed macros and other things to help him with writing his 4+ books a year. He did not like MSO's options and features for what he needed. He now uses LO on his Linux system. He uses a Windows system for the Internet, since he could not get his Linux computers to use the dial-up modem properly. He lives on a "tree farm", as he calls it, and cannot get broadband service.

For me, I am no longer using as much of an office suite as I use to. Mostly Writer and a little Calc these days. I had to slow down after several debilitating injuries and 3 small strokes, or my doctors would make sure my meds would slow me down. But, even in my "forced retirement" I still do some work for not-for-profit organizations and friends and family. I also do as much as I can to get locals to see that there is an alternative to the MS and MSO option. Soon, I will be passing out a number of 4.0.5 DVDs to the locals. Have to get some to the local and State government officials that I have had contact with recently but did not have any DVDs or brochures with me.

On 07/26/2013 04:52 AM, Andrew Brown wrote:
Hi Tom

I see for you it works, but the method I am talking about has always been my mentioned process in ALL other version of word processors. As you indicate, you like it this way, and probably have many years of experience in word processing, and have adapted and adopted the way it works for you.

I have found newbies, and those not computer literate, but are able to operate an app quite proficiently, don't like it at all, especially when trying to migrate them from MSO ot other Office suites. My wife who is a very proficient MSO user, does not like using LO Writer as it does not do certain things she is used to in MSO.

These are all hindrances for an effective migration to LO from a closed source payware world, the comment is the same from laymen "can it do this, No, then thanks but no thanks, I'll stay with what I know, and can work with". With all respect, it is the users/laymen that dictate a success or failure of an app or suite of apps. And I personally like the way MSO does it too, so a hindrance, especially as I mentioned when one is working with many images. Once the images are placed, and self sorted one below the other, it's still in the users ability and the app, to relocate and move the images around.

Yes this behaviour has changed in LO, but not sure when and with which version. OOo and AOO do it this way, as well as MSO has always done it this way. So yes it's possibly a feature request, or a bug fix, we'll have to find out from the dev's when and if this changed.


On 26/07/2013 10:23 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)I had not really noticed that because it was what i expected anyway. I kinda like it this way because i right-click one pic go to "picture" change the size, anchor point, wrap, maybe add a url to make it clickable. Then drag it away and grab the next pic. So, i like it because i know where all the pics are and it help me track which i have done and which i haven't.

There might be some mileage in working out how to use "position" in the same dialogue-box to move the pic to roughly the right position, or even exactly right spot if i ever knew that in advance.

Has this behaviour changed in LO recently? If it's always been like this then it's a feature request isn't it? Otherwise it's a bug report and might help to find out which version changed the behaviour?

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Andrew Brown <>
To: Tim Lloyd <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 26 July 2013, 8:30
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

Hi Tim

That's it, you got it, what I (and all of my customers using LO) are

And this behaviour happens whether posting from the web or locally from
the hard drive. What I find strange, is that if there is already a laid
out document (locally), or a web page with text and pictures, they will
cut/copy and paste correctly and lay out in the new document. LO seems
to preserve (within reason for the different formats) the format of a
previously created document.

This seems to only happen when one is creating a "new" document with
text, and one wants to paste in images of any sort. And as I iterated in
my post, if you choose too many images, it seems to stall and sometime
crash LO Writer, I think because they are being stacked on top of each
other, it causes a resource overflow (my opinion of what I think is



On 26/07/2013 02:51 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
Hi Andrew,

I just had a look at the writer issue. Keeping it simple I downloaded
2 images from the web into my downloads folder.

I opened a new writer document, went to my file browser and selected
both images (FWIW a jpg & a gif). When I pasted into writer the 2nd
image was pasted on top of the first. Is that what you see? I expected
to see the images separated in some way.


On 07/25/2013 06:13 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
Hi Tim

Ok, at least I have a comrade with the same observation and non
function. Yes I am aware of the cell right click, but I suppose force
of continuous habit on my behalf in using this in the input line, and
a family raised from school level on MSO, as well as my wife very
proficient in MSO, all pointed this out to me. So I find it not
sufficient to leave it out, as I said it works in other versions of
spreadsheet programs, so why not LO.

Have you tried the Writer issue I have, with pasting multiple images
into it, try it. Another program non-feature/problem that needs to be

Thanks for the feedback.

Andrew Brown

On 25/07/2013 09:50 AM, Tim Lloyd wrote:
Hi Andrew,

I agree regarding the calc issue. I tried this on under
Fedora and portable under Windows. Neither allow you to
right click on the input line. As you noted, CTRL-C works. So, I
cranked up LO3.6.2.2 under XP. Same.

The only thing I noticed is that you can right click on the cell
itself. No need to go up to the input line. I wonder if this is
deemed to be sufficient.


On 07/24/2013 06:26 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
Hi Everyone

Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of
you have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my
Windows version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common
occurrence. And it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your
responses will assist me before I send this as a bug report,
missing feature.

In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input
line at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now
non existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet
or creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early
versions of LO Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems.
I copy from a lot of pricelists and other similiar type
spreadsheets, and paste into order sheets or directly into emails
for my business, and I find now the only workaround is to highlight
the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using the menu "Edit". This
needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or returned as a
feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.

This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue
as well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion.
Writer cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files,
such as photos etc, and then automatically space them one below the
other. Many of my clients are in the field as motor vehicle
assessors and take multiple pictures of vehicle repairs (up to
about twenty per vehicle), process them to reduce their physical
size, then paste them into a word processor and compile into a PDF
before emailing to the insurance houses. MS Office can do this and
has always done this with no issues whatsoever, but LO Writer
simply dumps the images one on top of the other, with a lot of
unnecessary work to have to drag and place each image in order
below the previous one. And this is not consistent, sometimes
Writer fails with a lot of photos (noticeably more than five). This
lack of feature is now forcing many of my customers to return to
MSO, and I feel it needs to be addressed and fixed.


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