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Hi :)
I have had a few issues copy&pating lately.  Not sure i can pin it down to a single app or single 

Seems that nowadays if i copy something and then close the document i copied it from then paste 
'forgets' and goes back to the previous thing i copied/cut.  If i keep the document open then paste 
works just fine.  

Is your current and recent problem likely to be something similar?

Err, because there are 2 separate questions i tried to break this Calc issue out into a separate 
thread by "Forwarding" this email back to this mailing list.  "Reply to all" hopefully works  fine 

Regards from 

Tom :)  

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Andrew Brown <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 9:26
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Help with two issue I am finding in LO

Hi Everyone

Well this is now my turn to ask for some help, and to see if any of you 
have or are experiencing these issues. This applies to both my Windows 
version, and Ubuntu Raring versions of LO, so a common occurrence. And 
it has persisted since I migrated over to LO. Your responses will assist 
me before I send this as a bug report, missing feature.

In Calc, I cannot copy and paste any data content out of the input line 
at the top i.e. right click the mouse and copy using the now non 
existent drop down menu. This goes for an existing spreadsheet or 
creating a new one. In the past, not sure if it was early versions of LO 
Calc, or OOo Calc, but I could do this, no problems. I copy from a lot 
of pricelists and other similiar type spreadsheets, and paste into order 
sheets or directly into emails for my business, and I find now the only 
workaround is to highlight the content and Ctrl c to copy it, or using 
the menu "Edit". This needs to be looked at and added as a feature, or 
returned as a feature. MS Office Excel has always allowed this as well.

This next one is in Writer, and many of my clients have this issue as 
well, and I feel this is a major failure or feature exclusion. Writer 
cannot handle the copy and paste of multiple image files, such as photos 
etc, and then automatically space them one below the other. Many of my 
clients are in the field as motor vehicle assessors and take multiple 
pictures of vehicle repairs (up to about twenty per vehicle), process 
them to reduce their physical size, then paste them into a word 
processor and compile into a PDF before emailing to the insurance 
houses. MS Office can do this and has always done this with no issues 
whatsoever, but LO Writer simply dumps the images one on top of the 
other, with a lot of unnecessary work to have to drag and place each 
image in order below the previous one. And this is not consistent, 
sometimes Writer fails with a lot of photos (noticeably more than five). 
This lack of feature is now forcing many of my customers to return to 
MSO, and I feel it needs to be addressed and fixed.

Andrew Brown

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