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I fully agree. I use outline level styles all the time, and they make a world of difference, especially when used in headings. They make jumping from one heading to the next actually work on my Kindle.


--- From: Fernand Vanrie
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Book-writing with Writer

Virgil ,

the secret of styles for ebook publishing is the "OutLineLevel" you can
uses any style but change your paragraph styles to the correct OutlineLevel

TITEL = OutlineLevel 1

            Subtitel = OutlineLevel 2

                    Subsubtitel = OutlineLevel 3 9

I don't believe I've heard of "structure markup style concept" and I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I used WordPerfect for years and could never quite get the hang of WP's styles, all the while I took to Word's and OO's (now LO's) styles quite easily. When I used WP, everything was very typewriter-like, with commands being inserted in a linear fashion until they were changed by a later command. Hence the reason <reveal codes> was so essential with WP.


-----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Keller
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Book-writing with Writer

For example, several years ago, my 14 year old son challenged himself
to type a 50,000 word novel in November, which is National Novel
Writers Month. He met his goal, and quickly dropped the project.

As a proud papa, I wanted to put his document to paper. He wrote the
original in WordPerfect, and it was a formatting mess, with stray
tabs, carriage returns, and inconsistent formatting across chapter
and section headings. I began the task of reformatting his 127 page
novel using WordPerfect, the original program. It didn't take long
for me to realize it would take days and days to wade through all of
the formatting codes inserted by WP.

I have to say that unlike MS Word and its clones OO and LO, Wordperfect
*does* allow proper use of styles for "structure markup". Among the
dozens of different document processing applications I have used over
the past 25 years, Wordperfect was one of the best for authoring
strongly structured documents, at par with Framemaker. Unfortunately it
fell into the hands of an incompentent company (at Corel).

Obivously, nothing (besides Indesign with a *competent* typographer
in front of it) beats the typographic output of LyX/LaTeX, so if you
want to produce a PDF ready for print, there's no other choice. I even
use it for letters.

Until they get redesigned to implement a proper "structure markup"
style concept and correct typographic features (all line- and
page-breaking algorithms from LaTeX are open-source), LO and OO have
their value mostly for "generating" documents from databases.



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