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It is good to see that there are more LibO users who don't understand the improvements concerning
templates from 3.6 to 4.0. Since a few weeks I try to understand it and still struggle. The only
advantage is that I immediately can see thumbnails and this is combined with the disadvantage that
the full name of the template is not visible.

I hope that someone is brave enough and rethinks the advantages of the old template manager (up to
3.6) and creates a real good one even if this one looks and functions more like the one until 3.6

On 04.07.2013 21:23, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I confess that I don't understand this type of "improvement" in software development. It's sort of
like when MS decided that users couldn’t understand the Windows menu structure that had been used
for two decades and gave us the ribbon.

The LO/OO method of organizing templates has been around for...what, ten ... fifteen years now? If
I'm not mistaken it goes all the way back to StarOffice. Long time users have grown accustomed to
it. So, what would prompt someone to think it needs fixing? Was there a survey showing that a ton
of new people would suddenly start using LO if it would only change its "goofy" way of organizing

I know people are always resistant to change; it took me a couple years to abandon DOS in favor of
Windows. And, over time, I may get to like the new template menu placement (if I ever reinstall LO
4 after going back to 3.6.6).

But to change a working menu structure just because we can? I just don't get it.


-----Original Message----- From: Tim Lloyd
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 12:49 AM
To: Thomas Blasejewicz
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] template menu

Hi Thomas,

I have to admit this confused me also. I don't know whether you can
simply "organize" anymore. From the manual:

To begin, choose *File > **New > **Templates***from the Menu bar to
openthe Template Manager dialog.

At this point you can add, modify, delete and move!


On 07/04/2013 02:38 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good afternoon
The last few days I upgraded from 3.6 something to 4.0.4.
And this morning I noticed the "template menu" is gone.

One of my computers has still 3.6 on it and there it is under Files ->
That's also where the extension items for the extension "template
changer" appeared.

After along search I found, that the template changer can now only be
found in an unmarked grave
= empty white space with a black triangle at its right margin BELOW File
-> Exit.

But so far I was not able to find anything like Templates -> Organize

Where is this now???
Or has the software advanced so far, that creating, deleting, organizing
templates etc. is now a thing of the past?

Thank you.

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