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Le 07/07/13 21:37, Mark LaPierre a écrit :

Hi Mark,

Any suggestions on how to proceed from here?  Do I just copy and paste
the data from the spreadsheet directly into the mySQL table?

You could try this :

1) Open your ODB file, click on the Tables icon so that you can see the
list of tables in your mysqldb.

2) Now open your Calc spreaadsheet.

3) In the top left hand corner of your spreadsheet, click on the on the
grey corner square/rectangle so that the whole sheet gets selected.

4) Now drag and drop the whole sheet to the space where your mysql table
list is visible within the ODB container and the copy data assistant
should start up. Bear in mind that the assistant doesn't always
recognize and set field types correctly when converting from Calc to
Base, so you will have to check this before validating the creation of
the table, otherwise you may end up with truncated data in your table or
some funky odd stuff. The most problematic ones seem to be date/datetime
strings. If you have images pasted in your spreadsheet cells as part of
your data set, these will not be converted to binary large objects by
the assistant.



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