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Hi Ian,
Ive been reading the posts concerning the security of your database using
mysqldump. Are you using a remote server for your MySQL, or is it on your
own computer?
I've completed a database using LO Base with embedded HSQL. I guess I can
use a MySQL server on my own machine to which I can connect LO Base to
avoid the data loss problems with the embedded
system. Is that he reason you went to MySQL?

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Ian Whitfield <>wrote:

Hi All

I'm now using the MySQL back-end (5.1.55) with LO Base ( as my
front-end - all on PCLOS 2013.

I've been "messing" around since late last year getting this all right,
(with lots of GREAT help from the Forum!!)

My question now is - Where does MySQL store the Database and how do I
track it down to make a backup?? Because of all my "messing" around I have
several different files in the system that may be the right one but I'm not
sure which is which.

I lost my whole Database at the beginning of the year when I re-installed
my OpSys so DON'T want that to happen again and need a reliable backup

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thanks a lot

Pretoria RSA

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